Lapidary Shop
The lapidary instruction is offered by the shop monitors -
see shop schedule. Beginning members can be instructed by the monitors concerning the safe operation of the
equipment and how to cut slabs and make cabochons.There
are often other instructors available as well, offering instruction for
wire-wrapping and other lapidary skills. At various times, we have also
offered instruction on suiseki, faceting, cabochons, wire-wrapping,
diaza making, enameling, Precious Metal Clay, glass fusing and rock art
carving. The
shop equipment includes large and small table saws, trim saws, grinding
wheels, polishing wheels, lapping machines and tumbling machines Some of our members compete
by displaying their lapidary art pieces and faceted gems at our annual club show, club meetings, other club shows, the annual California Federation Show and the Faceters Guild Shows. To
put this all in perspective, a member who joined the club a just year
ago, collected some material on a club field trip. He then learned in
our club lapidary shop how to make cabochons and belt buckle ovals. He
then competed at our club meeting cabochon competition, and he won! |